Ignite Your Transformation Superpowers and Turn Your Organization into a Lean and Mean Continuous Improvement Machine! 

With over 25 years of experimentation, we're excited to unveil our battle-tested system for driving successful organizational change.

Our Mini Power Course provides a detailed roadmap to nurture leaders and initiate impactful transformations. This course ensures you gain not just practical strategies, but a surge of enthusiasm and inspiration, embarking on an uplifting journey toward fostering leadership brilliance and advancing your organization.

Unleash the Unstoppable Force of Collaborative Improvement!

What's inside?

6 video lectures and 11 downloadable resources to get you kickstarted.

Temporarily Available and Exceptional Bonuses:

Bonus #1
50-page eBook: Convincing Management to say "Yes"

Your guide to make sure you acquire the mandate necessary to start and continue a successful business transformation. The perfect addition to put your learnings in practice!

Bonus #2
Extra video course module: "Strategic Agility Ahead!"

Not every Agile is the same and that is great, this module guides you through the concept of Strategic Agility, exploring 3 different strategic foci and how to design an organization that fits. Giving you guidance on choosing the right Agile scaling framework to get started with and evolve.

Bonus #3
AI to the rescue

AI is here to stay, so we'll make sure you get a head start in your journey to excellence and significantly impactful change.
A bonus for a lifetime.

Is This You Right Now?

✔ Struggling to inspire significant change within your organization?

✔ Feeling overwhelmed by ineffective collaboration and meeting routines?

✔ Bored of the fact each significant change must have a formal top-down change committee and program?

✔ Yearning to cultivate a community of capable leaders for lasting impact?

Imagine if...

✔ You could effortlessly spark transformative change, becoming a catalyst for progress.

✔ Collaboration and visualization became second nature, driving efficient teamwork.

✔ Your organization thrived with a community of empowered leaders, embracing positive change.

If this resonates, then brace yourself for thrilling news! The era of frustration and bewilderment is on the verge of vanishing.

Allow us to introduce "Leading Change" - an intricately crafted mini course with a singular focus: to empower individuals to emerge as influential leaders who drive significant transformations in their organizations. This course goes beyond offering mere strategies, infusing you with a surge of enthusiasm and inspiration. It's a heartwarming expedition towards cultivating leadership excellence and propelling organizational progress.

Say farewell to fruitless top-down change endeavors as you embark on this transformational odyssey, liberating precious time to dedicate to what truly counts.

"Unleash the power of Leading Change and foster a community of influential leaders who drive perpetual, impactful, and enduring change within your organization! Becoming Students of the System along the way."

There is no one way, study the system

... and keep things simple!

Skip Years of Trial & Error... Enroll Now

& Benefit From Temporary Available Bonus Modules:

"The Advocates Guide: Convincing Management to Embrace Change"
"Strategic Agility Ahead!"

"AI to the rescue"

Unlock the Secrets to Building an Engaged and Empowered Continuous Improvement Community with the Mini Power Course "Leading Change"!

Why persist in wrestling with energy-sapping change programs, lacklustre committees, and meetings that fail to resonate, enduring changes that offer little to no value for you and your team?

In contrast, a proven formula has guided numerous individuals, akin to yourself, toward triumphant outcomes. Imagine obtaining an influential blueprint that metamorphoses you from a "let's just finish this" mindset to igniting an unstoppable community that thrives on resolutely addressing challenges.

Meet The Creator, Jurgen De Smet

Over 30 Years in The Industry

Hey there, I'm Jurgen. I've walked the path you're on. I've seen the potential for positive shifts within the organization I was part of, and I embraced that potential with fervor and excitement. But as I delved deeper, I realized that a significant chunk of my energy was being drained by approvals and formal change programs weighed down by red tape. Valuable changes were being pushed further and further into oblivion.

I exhaustively explored all the advice and strategies available, but none seemed to hit the mark. That's when I unearthed the potency of informal communities, visualization, and streamlined meeting routines. A system that channels energy into substantial change, transcending hierarchical boundaries! It revolutionized my career, and it's done the same for numerous others.

I'm not one to withhold valuable insights, so I made the choice to share my knowledge and experiences through impactful courses. Courses that alter perspectives and forever shift how you approach transformations and continuous improvement. And from that decision was born "Leading Change," the mini power course that's here to make a lasting impression.

"Leading Change" is your all-in-one guide to community based continuous improvement, visualising key information using easy principles.

It's jam-packed with actionable tips, strategies, and insider secrets that will empower you to transform your and your work mates' energy into impressive progression towards your goals.

Inside the mini power course "Leading Change," you'll discover:

✔️ ​How an informal change community is different from any other known approach out there and why it works.

✔️ ​Who is best placed to participate in the community and which principles to embody to make it all a success.

​✔️ Ways to visualize key strategic and tactical information you need so you can get ris once and for all of those energy-draining status meetings.

​✔️ The routines to ensure continuous improvement and avoid one-off successes, leaping you into an addictive​ flow of greatness.

✔️ ​Insider experiences how to deal with sharing key information when a community from across the hierarchies are working on the same intiatives ensuring all are on the same page, steadily making noteworthy progress to the same targets.

​✔️ Hey, we'll even guide you through some real-life examples of people that went before you.

This is your chance to learn the impactful strategies that have turned countless bureaucrative organizations into lean and mean continuous improvement machines. Don't let another day pass by without taking action. Get your hands on "Leading Change" and ignite meaningful and joyful change towards your dream organization today!

Today With Exceptional Bonuses:

✔️ 50-page eBook: Convincing Management to say "Yes"

Your guide to make sure you acquire the mandate necessary for successful business transitions.

✔️ Video course module: "Strategic Agility Ahead"

Not every Agile is the same and that is great, this module guides you through the concept of Strategic Agility, exploring 3 different strategic foci and how to design an organization that fits.

✔️ And... AI to the rescue

AI is there to stay, so we'll make sure you get a headstart in your journey to excellence and significantly impactful change.

So, are you prepared to embark on a journey that reveals the strategies to transform your organizational landscape, turning mundane meetings into dynamic collaborative communties through our impactful mini course?

Click the button below and say YES to more empowerment!

Frequently Asked Questions

#1: Is "Leading Change" for me?

This mini power course is for you if...

  • The tedious formalities of change committees and programs for every vital organizational shift bore you.
  • ​The suffocating grip of unproductive collaboration and stagnant meeting routines frustrates you.
  • ​You're grappling with the challenge of igniting significant change within your organization.
  • ​You're fueled by the ambition to cultivate an empowered community of adept leaders, poised to deliver lasting and substantial impact.

#2: How will "Leading Change" help me?

  • Unleash Effortless Transformation: Experience the power to effortlessly ignite and drive transformative change, positioning yourself as a catalyst for progress.
  • Master Collaborative Excellence: Attain the ability to seamlessly integrate collaboration and visualization into your work, fostering highly efficient and synergistic teamwork.
  • Nurture Empowered Leadership: Witness your organization thriving as a result of a vibrant community of leaders who wholeheartedly embrace positive change and lead with impact.
  • Elevate Organizational Impact: Gain the tools and insights to elevate your organization's impact, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

#3: How long do I get access?

You will have unlimited access to this course + all updates for as long as you like, across all devices you own. Except of the temporarily added bonus modules, these might change and/or disappear over time.

#4: What if I'm unhappy with the course?

That I would never want! If you are unsatisfied with your course, request a refund within 7 days of purchase, and I'll give you a full refund.

Choose your Pricing Option

PS: If you think you deserve a discount for one reason or another, try to reach out to me (Jurgen) and tell me about it. You never know!

7 Day Guarantee

No questions asked 7 day refund guaranteed. If you are unhappy for any reason, get your money back. Rock solid guarantee.